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Fall Elm Coupled with Flooding

Another allergen on the Rise- Fall Elm



Fall Elm is another tree causing Pollen in Texas right now. Coupled with the torrential rains due to Hurricane Harvey, we are in for a tough September. Fall Elm ( Ulmus Crassifolia )  is found throughout Texas mostly. They grow to a large tree in Alkaline soils, limestone in Central Texas and rocky and clay type soils.
Taking 1/4 of a dropper of Texas Knows Allergy may bring much needed relief. Since this formula is NOT herbal based- there are no contraindications. Use as often as possible and get the much needed relief you want.



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September – Ragweed Season Begins

Get Relief now with Nature Knows or Texas Knows- Region Specific.



The people of Texas suffer from the effects of ragweed really beginning in September each year. Some years depending on rain fall it will begin in the summer. Ragweed puts out a pollen that looks like a fine yellow dust covering all over similar to the green Oak powder in the Spring. Ragweed is a powerful pollen plant that can be responsible for sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and head aches. The yellow pollen can spread from hundreds of miles away. In areas of a more moderate  temperatures some regions of experience more severe ragweed symptoms. Ragweed is a hardy plant, grows all over, with just one single plant is able to produce up to one BILLION grains of pollen per season.

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Hurricane Harvey- Mold to increase.

After all the rain, Mold will appear. Texas Knows Allergy will give you much needed relief.



After Topical Storm Allison in 2001, and after all the rains, Mold was a huge issue for Texas Residents. Texas Knows Allergy will give relief for most suffering from these spores. 1/4 of a dropper under the tongue as often as needed is a great remedy for Texas. Made by a Texan for Texans!

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Allergies- Why do we get them?

Got allergies? We have the answer….Ragweed,Cedar, Oak…



Seasonally, every year- the air becomes inundated with minute particles – dust, pollen, mold spores – floating around in the air seeking a warm, moist home to land. Specifically, Cedar Fever in the winter can be so severe many suffer its severe symptoms with little or no relief.  Year round on local news channels, weathermen have allergy reports right along with the weather.


While studying herbal remedies and the healing energy contained in those herbs, I came to the conclusion that the reason so many suffer with allergies to trees, plants, grasses and even mold is due to what is known as vibrational energy. All molecules vibrate at different frequencies; however, some molecules vibrate at the same frequency.


For example, Elderberry is a traditional herbal remedy for lung issues. Recent research has shown that Elderberry has the same vibrational energy as the tissues in our lungs. Red Raspberry has the same vibrational energy as the uterus and has been used historically by midwives to lessen labor pains.


Let me explain how vibrational energy relates to allergies. I’ll use Cedar Fever as an example. Cedar Fever is a seasonal, regional allergy in Central Texas that seems to spike with each cold snap.


As Texans go thru their day, they breathe in pollen from local cedar trees.

The pollen goes in their lungs and gets “stuck” in their tissues, embedded at the cellular level where it stays until the next allergy season. Cedar Fever is mild to non-existent for newcomers to the Lone Star State for their first few years of residence. The cedar pollen builds up in their tissues until that fateful cold snap when they get a full-blown case of Cedar Fever – itchy and water eyes, scratchy throat, and low energy.


My professional opinion is that these allergic reactions are triggered by the vibrational energy of the cedar pollen in the air irritating the cedar pollen trapped in our tissues. This cycle can continue for years if no actions are taken to detoxify and cleanse our cells of these allergens.


The first step is to cleanse the tissues. Liver detoxification, colon cleanse, and juice fasting can help clear out many of these irritating pollutants from our cells.  Since complete detox may take some time, you need a safe, gentle homeopathic formula.


Certain homeopathic remedies can also bring temporary relief to many allergy symptoms, including stuffy nose and itchy eyes.   Texas Knows Allergy Relief has a faithful following who find this product brings them the best over-the-counter relief for Cedar Fever. Nature Knows Allergy Relief is homeopathic remedy which addresses a wide variety of allergens found all across our country.


Jennifer Welch, Naturopath